Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer - An E-Book. Buy it here.

I am the author of Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer.

Confessions is sold in e-book form.

The diary includes secrets on how to use the salvia divinorum plant to perform such magic as how to kill at a distance, how to get into another person's thoughts, and how to communicate and negotiate with spirit entities from other worlds.

While there is a growing body of literature on the history and botany of salvia divinorum, we have seen nothing at all like this unique manuscript. This diary takes sorcery and psychic power to a new, unprecedented level.

The manuscript is 45 pages, with numerous hand-drawn illustrations, made by Brother Harmonius, himself.

Purchasers will receive an electronic pdf copy of Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer. The pdf file is about 1.5 megabytes.

Many of your colleagues in the entheogenic community know of this document, but there is only ONE PLACE where you can buy "Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer", and that is right here on Ebay!


Excerpt of Review of "Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer" 
on the Erowid Library:

Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer offers a new twist on the old adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover": it literally has no covers. It begins with a seven-page Prologue that lays out the context for the subsequent series of journal-style experience reports organized under "Ten Years of Mind Travel".

If one looks past the curious lack of book-like features (in addition to no covers, it also lacks a publisher name, publication date, conclusion, colophon, etc.), some irrelevant name-dropping, and the history and editorializing in the Prologue, Confessions reveals itself as an articulately written collection of experience reports with a smattering of illustrations scanned out of the author's notebooks.
(review by "spoon" on Erowid Library)

What others are saying about "Confessions of a Salvia Sorcerer":

  • "Quick relief for my salvia craving. Thanks!" - cmmays
  • "Good read'n. Thanks" - Don daCorn
  • "Super...unique" - Don Webb
  • "Interesting. Thanks!" - Frater LSD
  • "Groovy" - Fire Marshall Bill
  • "There was Maria Sabina, the bruja of mushrooms. There was Mestre Irineu, shaman of the ayahuasca. And now, there is Brother Harmonius, THE sorcerer of salvia." - Guanshamano
  • "The overall importance of this text is significant in that it is a pretty detailed description of one of many possible approaches with this new hallucinogenic plant." - Jonesy
  • "These confessions are good. Reading it right now...." - rOm

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