I was asked to describe God. I replied, "I cannot, for God is inconceivable." But, wait friend, because God is perceivable. We can know God, without conceiving of the Great Father. Better yet, we can even see God, or at least, when unable to see Him, we can see the shadow of His light as He passes. In all things, there is ebb and flo. I point to the sunflower, that you may form in your imagination how it is that we are connected to God, and thence, connected to one another. For, the sunflower is the perfect simple analogy of how we can be both separate entities, and still share the same common origin. We are the seeds; God is the flower. We are connected to the flower, as if it were a Great Mother. All life is connected to Her so. She is our basis, our platform, until our own spirits ripen and plant anew.
The sunflower represents both the finite and the infinite, the limited and the limitless. Look to her seed, they are numbered, yes? But the seeds, we cannot say, except arbitrarily, that they end here, and the flower which raised it begins there. For, if the seed were pulled from its cradle before it should naturally ripen, would not the life blood of the flower spill a little there? It is a mystery that life commences from life, and this is also the secret of where our Creator lieth: within. As the life force of the sunflower issue from its roots, into its noble stem, and through to the very seeds which gain personality and distinction from one another, this too is the very image one should form to know how our Creator lives within each of us, equally.